Our Mission at End Impunity Organization
Local Perspective:
End Impunity’s immediate mission in Sudan is to raise awareness, educate, and promote the importance of the rule of law; create a culture of law-abiding citizens, and ensure that no citizen is denied due process of the law; that fair procedures and equal protection are fundamental rights of citizens. End Impunity believes that commitment to legality is the solid and best foundation upon which our legal system and democracy can be built and advanced.
Global Perspective:
End Impunity Organization perceived itself as partner in the international justice system, thus, its mission on the global stage is to advocate for justice by mobilizing grassroots pressure on the international community and national governments to end impunity and bring those who are responsible for crimes against humanity, war crimes, the crime of genocide and other human rights abuses to face justice; subsequently, ensures redress for victims of these crimes.
Our Vision
End Impunity Organization envisions a world in which people everywhere live in peace under the rule of law with liberty, equal rights, and justice for all.
Our Universal Shared Value
Ending impunity towards a vision of universal justice…
We will do our part to see through till the end. We ask you…to do yours in our struggle to ensure that no ruler, no State, no junta, and no army anywhere can abuse human rights with impunity. Only then will the innocents of distant wars and conflicts know that they, too, may sleep under the cover of justice; that they, too, have rights, and those who violate those rights will be punished.
— Kofi Annan, 1999