The Insight: An Overview into the Regions
The atrocities committed in Darfur are widely documented by international organizations, UN agencies, scholars, and legal experts. Eight years now into the tragedy produced over 400,000 deaths, over 3 million displaced population, widespread rape and other forms of violence committed against women and children throughout Darfur.
UN Security Council referred the situation in Darfur to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for investigation of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide, making Darfur the first legal case to be referred to the ICC. Thus far, the ICC indicted three individuals on war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in Darfur, including the head of the state President Omar Al-Bashir. All three indictees refused to surrender to the court and remain fugitives of law with impunity.
End Impunity Organization working on the Darfur project from a legal standpoint, by raising awareness against impunity over Darfur crimes, mobilizing public pressure for actions against impunity and the need of fair justice for the victims of Darfur. Get informed and get involved.
South Sudan
On 9th July 2011, we celebrated and rejoiced the birth of the new nation the Republic of South Sudan, we lived a dream come true carrying with it myriads of opportunities for the people of South Sudan; we must also remain vigilant of the daunting challenges facing a nation state in the building. We must commit ourselves to do our part, contributing positively towards an inclusive democratic republic of South Sudan with liberty and equal rights for all.
EIO is working collaboratively with civil society organizations in Juba to spread the voice of the people towards these goals. We are conducting local discussion boards on civil rights, human rights, good governance, accountability and the respect of the rule of law. Join us for our next seminar involving lawyers, judges, and law enforcement personnel…
Southern Kordofan – Call for Projection
The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in Sudan never being deter of its destructive policies against the people of Sudan, once again expressing the lust for violence in Sothern Kordofan. Today the government of Sudan is subjecting the people of the Nuba Mountains to untold humiliation of murder, starvation, rape, and other human right abuses.
The international community is very much aware of early warnings of mass atrocities against the Nuba people. There are credible reports about mass graves in Southern Kordofan, air strikes against the civilian population is a daily occurrence by Sudan Armed Forces; the scale and magnitude of crimes are rapidly increasing. It’s not the time to negotiate with the regime in Sudan, we cannot afford to loose time with a senseless government in Khartoum; the international community must act now to protect the people of Nuba Mountains or else we will end up with the Darfur scenario repeating itself in Southern Kordofan.
We must mobilize to make our voice loud and clear stop the ethnic cleansing of the Nuba people, civilian protection now. We are not bystanders, join the fight against indecency for a just cause, join…
Abyei Project – Warning of War
Abyei was invaded, burned; the local population was driven out of their land into the bush and in the midst of nowhere. For now, the international community puts the fate of Abyei in the hands of 4.200 soldiers of a United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) (only 1,500 are currently on the ground). Just recently, UNISFA lost four of its soldiers in a landmine blast; Sudanese authorities denied medical evacuation of the wounded soldier prior to their death.
Sudanese government threatened to shoot down any UN aircraft that takes off without permission. As if the international community has not learnt the lessons from the Darfur UNAMID and the Sudan UNMIS; the two were set with weak mandates and shabby forces; neither were able to protect civilian nor to keep the peace.
When it comes to the government of Sudan, the international community -for baffling reasons- cannot get beyond condemnations and pleas with the Khartoum regime. Khartoum, in the long run, is laying the ground to destabilize the Republic of South Sudan.
The current standoff in Abyei will likely continue and could escalate into full war between North and South if the international community is not firm against the Government of Sudan’s repeated provocations. There must be immediate measures to end the Abyei dispute. We must insist and remind the international community to resolve the outstanding issues of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. We must demand engagement now, or else we are heading towards war….