Confirmation of Charges Against Ali Kushayb
Today, May 27, 2021, the confirmation of charges hearing in the case of Ali Muhammad Ali Abd-al- Rahman, also known as Ali Kushayb, concluded before the International Criminal Court in The Hague. The judges of the International Criminal Court are to determine the evidence sufficient to prove the existence of substantial grounds that Kushayb committed each of the crimes attributed to him.
During this hearing, the judges of the court heard a great deal of oral arguments by the Office of the Prosecutor, the legal representatives of the victims, and the arguments of the defense team.
Ali Kushayb is charged with 31 counts of crimes against humanity and war crimes committed in various locations in West Darfur, namely in Wadi Salih locality, the villages of Kudum, Bendisi, Mukjar, Deleig and other villages that were completely burned down, between August 2003 and April 2004. Ali Kushayb is before the International Criminal Court to be held accountable for the heinous crimes he committed personally and with the Janjaweed militias, under the command of the leaders of Al-Bashir regime, both military and civilians.
The crimes referred to include: murder, torture, rape, inhuman treatment, mutilation of victims, insult to human dignity, ethnic persecution, forced displacement of the civilian population, and destruction and looting of property, all as part of a widespread and systematic attack against innocent civilians.
End-Impunity Organization commends the hard work of the Office of the Prosecutor and the immense contribution made by victims, witnesses, and their legal representatives.
The four-day confirmation of charges hearing is a victory for justice and truth, and an special victory for the victims who have shown great deal of patience, determination, and resilience while awaiting justice for so long. This victory is the result of a lengthy investigation and determination of those who fight for justice against impunity.
In this context, End-Impunity Organization calls upon the Transitional Government of Sudan to cooperate with the International Criminal Court and to hand over the remaining suspects to the court in
The Hague. The Transitional Government should also fully realize its national and moral responsibility to achieve justice without equivocation, with courage and will. Justice for the victims of Darfur crimes is possible. Justice for victims of the December Revolution massacres is possible. Justice for the peoples of Sudan is possible.
Lasting peace, healing and reconciliation will come when justice prevails,,,
End-Impunity Organization
Khartoum, Sudan
May 27, 202
Download the Press release here
- Final_بيان إعتماد التهم ضد علي كشيب_signed
- Press Release – Confirmation of Charges Against Ali Kushayb
Mentioned in منظمة إنهاء الإفلات من العقاب : التحقيق مع كوشيب اورد أسماء لقادة في سدة الحكومة الحالية وآخرين..